Alphabet Sangha – East Bay Meditation Center – November 19, 2024 HYBRID
I will be co-teaching with René Rivera at EBMC’s Alphabet Sangha on Tuesday at 7pm PT. Offered online and hybrid.
Finding Liberation in Relationship – East Bay Meditation Center – Mondays in December 2024 ONLINE
René Rivera and I are again planning to offer this 4-week favorite online Mondays in December: Dec 2, 9, 16, 23.
In this time of so much conflict, devastation and uprising, how do we bring our practice to our relationships, and how do we find freedom and choice there? Our friendships, partnerships, family and communities can be a source of joy and support, and also of struggle and suffering. In this four week class we will explore concrete practices grounded in Buddhist meditation, somatics, and transformative justice.
We will practice feedback, boundaries, and nervous system regulation, while applying mindfulness to investigate our conditioned tendencies and positionality in power relations. Through turning towards the delight and difficulty in our relationships we will build resource and resilience and create space to be our most authentic selves in our relationships and in the larger world.